ADP Program Information

The Adult Diploma Program (ADP) is an alternative high school completion program.  Participants who successfully complete the program will be awarded a Pittsfield Public Schools High School Diploma

General Eligibility Guidelines

Students must:

  1. Lack a high school diploma, HiSET, or GED Certificate.
  2. Be at least 18 years of age at the start of, or turn 18 prior to completing program.
  3. Not be currently enrolled or required to be enrolled in a secondary school under state law.
  4. Have an official letter of withdrawal from last school district attended.
  5. Have MCAS scores of 220 or above in ELA, Math and Science.

ADP Completion Requirements


  • Complete an Individualized ADP Education Plan
  • TABE D Scores-9.0 or above at entrance, 11.0 or above at exit
  • MCASMinimum Score
    • Score of 240 or above at entrance


    • Score 220-239 at entrance & prove proficiency through an Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP) in English Language Arts and/or Math.

  • Prove proficiency in the following academic components:
  • U.S. History
  • Geography
  • Essay Writing


Students must perform 20 hours of community service with a community organization or for an individual in need of assistance. Community services placements must be approved by the Assessor prior to starting hours.  Participants must provide written documentation  of 20 hours of community servic


Students must prove proficiency in the following areas:

  • Health
  • Consumer Economics
  • Government & Law
  • College & Career Readiness