To register a new student for the Pittsfield Public Schools district please follow the step by step instructions below. A valid email address will be required to continue.
Please gather the following six documents to prepare for the Registration Process:
Valid PARENT or LEGAL GUARDIAN Photo ID: State-issued ID Driver's license or Passport
Birth Certificate
Last physical exam record
Proof of Occupancy: Utility Bill (Items should be within the past 30 days WITH the service address): Oil/Gas/Electric/Cable/Landline
Proof Of Residence (1 Document from below required): Copy of Deed/Lease Agreement, Most Recent Mortgage/Rental Statement (within 60 days, Letter/Legal Affidavit dated and signed by landlord confirming tenancy, identifying all occupants and record of most recent rent payment, Section 8 Agreement
The following documents are not required by all students.
- Middle and High School Students: the student’s transcript and most recent grades.
- Students with an IEP / 504 Plan: a copy of the student’s Individual Education or 504 Plan.
If your household doesn't have access to a computer or smartphone, PPS can provide access to the technology needed to register your child. Please call the following number to schedule an appointment. 413-499-9507