Pittsfield Public Schools

Administration Building 269 First Street Pittsfield, MA 01201

Building Hours: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

General Email: contactus@pittsfield.net

Phone: 413-499-9500

Registration/Enrollment Email: ppsregistration@pittsfield.net

Registration Phone: (413)499-9507

District Home
Pittsfield district building
Office Extensions:

Athletics 1084 21st-Century Grant Coordinator 5013 Benefits 1005   Business Office 1009   College and Career Readiness 1051  Chromebooks and Hotspots 1058  Deputy Superintendent 1016  Grants  1086  Human Resources 1008 Information Technology and the Help Desk 5068   Payroll - Non-Instruction 1006 Payroll - Professional 1007  Registration 1060 Special Education & Student Services 5015  Superintendent's Office 1014   Virtual Academy 1087

Job Applicants—Please Note:

Applications are accepted for job postings which are listed in the Human Resources section of the website. Please do not send any application materials to the address contactus@pittsfield.net   Application instructions are in the Human Resources section. Sending your resume or cover letter to contactus@pittsfield.net will not serve as an application for any job openings.