Human Resources Staff
Human Resources, Diversity, and Inclusion

Pittsfield Public Schools serves 5000 students Grades Pre-K to Grade 12. We have 14 schools, including two Special Education Day Treatment Programs. Pittsfield is located in Berkshire County is Western Massachusetts. The area offers many outdoor recreational opportunities as well as is a hub for the Arts.

We are seeking a diverse, skilled and innovative staff who believes in the district's core values--Excellence in Teaching, Embracing Human Uniqueness, Joy in Learning, Educational Equity, Sense of Belonging and Academic Excellence. We have a competitive wage and benefit package available. In addition, we offer robust mentoring and induction programs that offer supports and onboarding to teachers, as well as professional development opportunities for all categories of staff. Helping staff to settle in their career and supporting the growth of career pathways over time is a commitment to our employees.

Come visit us in this virtual world or contact me with any questions. Look for our available positions on or on our website at More are being posted every day.