Pittsfield Public Schools is a recipient of federal grant funds to facilitate 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) in our district.The purpose of the federally funded 21st CCLC grant is to support the implementation of additional learning time through out-of-school time (OST) programming and/or through an expanded day referred to as Expanded Learning Time or ELT. Programming is designed to help close proficiency/opportunity gaps, increase student engagement, support social and emotional learning, and promote college and career readiness and success.Pittsfield Public Schools 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) utilize inquiry and project-based learning programs to support school day learning while embedding skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, engagement, collaboration and communication in a fun and welcoming environment to meet this purpose. Also, each site provides homework support and enrichment programming. Additionally, we have programming provided by many community partners such as Berkshire Theater Group, Berkshire Arts Center, Berkshire Rowing, Girls Science with Flying Cloud, MA Audubon, Berkshire Museum, Berkshire Botanical Garden, Operation Better Start & the Boys & Girls Club. The programming varies by school. 21st CCLC sites run programs throughout the school year and during the summer. Programs have enrollment limits. Priority placement is given to the highest needs students. FInal enrollment decisions are at the discretion of the District 21st Century Grants Coordinator. We currently do have space in most of our programs.Pittsfield Public Schools is pleased to offer programming at three different sites:
- Morningside Elementary School
- Herberg Middle School
- Reid Middle School
- Silvio O. Conte Community School
Please contact the Site Coordinator at your specific site for more information on how to join.We encourage all parent communication. Please feel free to contact our Interim District Coordinator, Linda Whitacre with feedback, concerns, or questions.
Program Contact Information
Yvette Sirker, 21st CCLC District Coordinator
Email: ysirker@pittsfield.net
Herberg Middle School Martha Tagliaferro, Site Coordinator Email: mtagliaferro@pittsfield.net** Phone: 413-448-9640**
Morningside Community School BIllie Jo Lamoureaux, Site Coordinator Email: blamoureaux@pittsfield.net :Phone: 413-448-9690
Reid Middle School Natalia Volkovetska-Ireland, Site Coordinator Email: nvolkovetskaireland@pittsfield.net Phone: 413-448-9620
Please click on the links to the left for school specific program information.